


公司文件法律化 服务




个人 文件 公证 服务





Basic Plan

  • Business Grow Analysis
  • Yearly Growth Auditing
  • Finance Consulting
  • Project Management


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Premium Plan

  • Business Grow Analysis
  • Yearly Growth Auditing
  • Finance Consuting
  • Project Management


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Family Plan

  • Business Grow Analysis
  • Yearly Growth Auditing
  • Finance Consuting
  • Project Management


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Apostille Certificate of No Criminal Conviction (CNCC)

  • International Legitimacy: Authenticates the CNCC for global acceptance, verifying its legitimacy and the authenticity of signatures.
  • Employment Requirements: Essential for job applications overseas, where a verified clean criminal record may be necessary.
  • Immigration and Visas: Often required for visa applications, residency permits, and immigration processes in foreign countries
  • Educational Admissions: Used by educational institutions abroad to verify the criminal background of incoming international students.
  • Professional Licensing: Necessary for obtaining professional licenses in fields that require proof of a clean criminal record in foreign countries.
  • Personal Security Clearance: Assists in obtaining security clearance when needed for personal or business matters internationally.


10 business days

Apostille Certified True Copies

  • Global Verification: Ensures that photocopied documents are recognized as true copies of original documents by foreign authorities.
  • Legal Proceedings Abroad: Necessary for presenting document copies in foreign courts or legal processes where originals are not advisable or possible to use.
  • International Business Transactions: Used in cross-border business activities to verify the authenticity of document copies related to contracts, agreements, and corporate filings.
  • Educational Purposes: Important for submitting authenticated copies of academic records and degrees to overseas schools or for international scholarship applications.
  • Immigration and Visa Applications: Required for immigration processes where copies of relevant documents need to be verified as true to original.
  • Property and Estate Management: Essential in managing international property dealings and estate settlements where certified document copies are necessary.


6 business days

Apostille Birth Certificate

  • International Recognition: Ensures that the birth certificate is recognized as legitimate by foreign governments and institutions under the Hague Apostille Convention.
  • Overseas Citizenship Applications: Required for proving nationality or citizenship when applying for dual citizenship or residency in another country.
  • Marriage Abroad: Necessary for marriage registration in a foreign country where proof of single status and nationality is needed.
  • School Enrollment: Used for registering in schools overseas that require verified proof of age and nationality.
  • Passport Services: Essential for obtaining a passport or renewing one in a foreign country, verifying the individual's identity and citizenship.
  • Inheritance and Legal Matters: Important for legal processes involving inheritance or other matters where proof of identity and nationality is required.


10 business days

Apostille in the US

  • International Document Validation: Ensures that U.S.-issued documents are recognized and accepted as legitimate by foreign nations that are members of the Hague Apostille Convention.
  • Facilitates Overseas Travel: Essential for Americans traveling abroad who need to provide authenticated documents for purposes such as work, study, or residency.
  • Foreign Business Operations: Used by U.S. companies to authenticate corporate documents for international trade, establishing subsidiaries, or conducting business transactions abroad.
  • Educational Applications: Necessary for U.S. students applying to foreign universities or professionals seeking to validate their educational credentials overseas.
  • Legal and Personal Affairs: Helps U.S. citizens handle international legal matters, such as marriage, divorce, adoption, or inheritance, by providing authenticated documents required by foreign legal systems.
  • Immigration and Citizenship: Important for U.S. immigrants or expatriates applying for foreign visas, citizenship, or residency, ensuring their U.S.-issued documents are accepted internationally.


2 business days

Apostille Marriage Certificate

  • International Recognition: Ensures that the marriage certificate is recognized and accepted as legitimate by foreign authorities.
  • Spousal Visa Applications: Required for visa applications where spousal status needs to be proven for immigration purposes.
  • Legal Name Change Processes: Necessary for officially changing one’s name on documents and registrations in foreign countries.
  • Claiming Benefits: Important for claiming spousal benefits, including insurance and social security, in another country.
  • Property and Estate Matters: Used in dealings involving joint property or when handling estate matters abroad where proof of marital relationship is required.
  • Family Relocation: Essential for family relocation processes where verification of family members' relationships is necessary for residency in a new country.


10 business days

Obtain No Criminal Record in China

  • Visa Applications: Essential for Chinese citizens and residents applying for visas to travel, study, or migrate to other countries.
  • Employment Requirements: Required by employers both within China and internationally to verify the criminal status of potential employees.
  • Foreign Residency: Necessary for those applying for residency or citizenship in another country, where proof of a clean criminal record is a prerequisite.
  • Adoption Processes: Important for individuals involved in domestic or international adoption processes.
  • Educational Admissions: Used for applying to international educational institutions that require a clear criminal history report.
  • Professional Licensing: Needed for obtaining professional licenses in certain fields that require proof of no criminal background.


15 business days













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+088123 567 906, +088123 567 908, +088123 567 909


46, The queen’s walk 2nd Str, Townsville 4810, New York